Monday, November 4, 2013

Separate and Unequal; Reflection

In this weeks reading by Herbert, one of the main ideas he focuses on discussing is how poverty effects 'good results' with students in certain schools. He also says how schools in areas of high concentrations of poverty tend to have more black and Hispanic students. Evidence shows that no matter race or ethnicity, if a 'poor' kid goes to school with mostly middle-class kids, then he or she will do better academically. Why is it though, that poverty effects students grades? Well, as Herbert says, good teachers may want to avoid these types of schools. Good education starts with a good teacher. If all of the best teachers are refusing to teach at these schools where they are needed the most, then who is teaching these kids? Inexperienced teachers who may not care as much compared to a teacher with a good reputation. Also, kids suffering from poverty may not have many tools accessible to them that can be used for school. Middle/Upper class children are lucky enough to have helpful resources available to them, such a computers, internet access, smartphones, other books, etc. Lower income kids may not have these available to them. I know for one thing, internet and my laptop are probably the most useful at-home resources I have for school. I couldn't imagine doing homework or anything school related without them. They both help me out so much. Another thing he talked about was parental involvement in these schools. Families with lower income may have parents who work more, or work late hours just to be able to support their kids. They may not have time to make sure their children did their homework, help them with schoolwork, or to talk to the kids teachers about how they're doing. I found another interesting article about poverty effects not only academic success, but behavior as well (you can read that here).


  1. Hi Wally,
    You made a lot of good points about inequality in schools in your post. Everyone is entitled to an equal education.

  2. Wally,

    You bring up something I hadn't thought of before. These underprivileged students aren't given the tools they need to exceed. Tools that start with a teacher and continue on to updated textbooks, computers, etc. I think having to work in an Urban school this semester really shows us that this is true for the most part. But for those of us that see the changes in place can be encouraged to continue them!

  3. I agree, I do not understand why teachers do not want to teach in the poorer schools if they love their jobs. Basically like they are taking it out on the kids when it isn't their fault.

  4. Wally,

    I think you made some great points in your post for this week. As a child I attended an unprivileged school and I know what its like to go through school and not have the tools I need in order to exceed, it really sucks, I still till this day feel like I'm always behind, like everyone is so much smarter than me. Great job.
